Name: Sebastian "Eltejp" Lindblom
Age: 28
Occupation: Working at Societas Archaeologica Upsaliensis.
Playing: Stellaris
Quote: "Indeed-uru!"
Main affairs: Airsoft & PC Gaming; Staff sergeant in our airsoft team USAF, member of our gaming clan KCC and Game Master "Zeus" in ARMA III. Also player in the roleplaying games "A Evening in Gargul" and "Wildheart: Star Wars", as well as Warhammer. |
Name: "Shadowcat"
Age: 33
Occupation: Working as a Laboratory Technician.
Playing: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 ed.
Quote: "Any questions?"
Main affairs: Roleplaying games & Airsoft; playing in several groups, Game Master for Trudvang Chronicles and is the captain for USAF airsoft team. Plays with a custom-built Imperial Armoured Brigade in Warhammer 40.000 called "Deathguard Valkyria". |
Name: Andreas "the non-human" Rosenius
Age: 34
Occupation: Working at Samhall
Playing: Star Wars
Quote: "Where is my Pepsi?!"
Main affairs: Roleplaying games & PC Gaming; Game Master for Cypher System, Star Wars and Dungeons & Dragons 3.5, also playing Chaos in our Warhammer 40.000 games as well as several different online games. |
Name: Simon Boström
Age: 39
Occupation: Painting & building.
Playing: Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed.
Quote: "Welcome to my world!"
Main affairs: Roleplaying games; both playing and being the game master for several groups as well as LARP'ing. Also plays a good amount of Warhammer & Magic the Gathering. |
Name: Kristoffer "Krissy" Ehn
Age: 31
Occupation: Working at Gröna Lund amusement park.
Playing: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5
Quote: "Roll initiative!"
Main affairs: Mainly roleplaying games; plays Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 as well as Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition. |
Name: Linnea Hildorsson
Age: 19
Occupation: Studying.
Playing: Dungeons & Dragons 5th ed.
Quote: "... I rolled a nat 1."
Main affairs: Role playing games and board games. |
Name: Martin "Panda" Nordling
Age: 26
Occupation: Working as Sandwich Artist.
Playing: Bolt Action
Quote: "What the fuck!"
Main affairs: Role playing games and wargames. |
Name: Olof "Leamhan" Alm-Keys
Age: 38
Occupation: Driving an ice cream truck.
Playing: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 ed.
Quote: "Explore the unknown through TTRPGs!"
Main affairs: Roleplaying games; mostly Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 and Rogue Trader. |