
About us
- The Board
- By-laws
- Core values

- Roleplaying Games
- Wargames
- Card-& Boardgames
- Airsoft
- PC Gaming & LAN

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About us

Gargul is one of Uppsalas largest gaming associations with about 20 active members and about 70 support members. We work as a kind of hub, a network where players can get in touch with each other and use our resources in the form of knowledge, material, money and locales. We are a part of the National Board SVEROK and we also work together with Studiefrämjandet in Uppsala as well as the larp group Gyllene Hjorten.

The purpose of this association is to create a network and create an friendly environment for the gaming hobby, as well as a safe and inclusive gaming culture. Therefore all of our events are free from drugs and the association has no political or religious ties. Everyone is welcome to us no matter how you identify yourself.

Today, roleplaying games is our main and most popular activity, but we also play a lot of wargames (such as Warhammer 40.000), card games (such as Magic the Gathering), board games (such as Axis & Allies), airsoft, larping and PC Gaming. If the activity youäre looking for was not on the list, please get in touch with us anyway! There are certainly members who would love to try your thing!

Our history

Gargul Gaming Association - as it stands today - was founded in August 2014, even if it's history reaches far back.

The early stages of this association was called RONEC (RoleplayingNerdsClub) and was founded in 2004 with about 7 members. A bunch of friends who would meet up at each others places or hang around the youth recreation center and play. Due to studies and work hours the driving force shifted, and the association would fall apart and start anew, such as The Gaming House in 2006 and The Little Group in 2010. For a time we were also a part of STOROWC (Storvreta Roleplaying and Wargamig Club).

In 2013 a new roleplaying campaign was started in the living room of one of our members. The campaign was inspired by a medieval song performed by the band Sorkar & Strängar - "En Kväll Uti Gargul." The song takes place in the town of Gargul which is a part of the fictional world Erborigien, created by the larp group Gyllene Hjorten. And thus, the campaign was nicknamed "Gargul." The number of players kept increasing until we were so many that we could barely fit into the room and we realized that we needed a better locale and organisation. Thus Gargul was founded, the name taken from our largest roleplaying group, who in turn had taken it from the song and Gyllene Hjorten.
